Let’s set the stage: you’re on your phone and you see a friend sharing a post about a local inter-arts collective called Fuse. You’re intrigued – you've always loved the arts. What do you do? What are your next steps? Do not fear, the Fuse team has your back! Here is a quick video and a step-by-step guide on getting involved with Fuse.
Step 1: Learn about Fuse
So, we’ve caught your attention with our awesome social media content, or you’ve heard about us from a friend? Awesome! Your next step is to learn more about us. Your first stops should be our social media and our website. Check out @FuseArtOrg on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. I’d say visit our website too, but from the looks of it, you’ve already found your way here!
Step 2: Visit Our Get Involved Page fuseart.org/get-involved
The next step of your adventure is to check out our get involved page. Here you can find all the information you need about the various involvement opportunities Fuse has! In addition to our Fuse team – our collective of internal volunteers- you can also get involved through our Fuse Crew and Group initiatives! Click here to find out more!
Step 3: Click Join the Fuse Team, and send us an email!
You like what you’ve read about Fuse and you think you’re ready to take the leap to volunteer with us. Sweet! Your next mission is to click the big “Join the Fuse Team” button on our ‘get involved’ page. From there, you’ll see an email prompt pop up. This is where you’ll introduce yourself! We want to hear a little about yourself and your interests. Make sure to mention some stuff you want to do or see at Fuse! Once you’re done, hit send!
Step 4: Schedule a call with our Executive Director!
Keep an eye on your email! You should hear back from us within two business days. From here, we’re going to schedule a time to chat with our Executive Director, Dylan! Don’t stress – we just want to get a feel for the type of stuff you want to do at Fuse. You're so close to joining the team!
Step 5: Let us find the perfect position for you!
Now it’s our turn to do some work! After your initial meeting with our Executive Director, we will take a look at our internal structure and find a position that aligns with what you want to do at Fuse. If we can’t find that perfect role, don’t worry – we will create it for you. We want to make sure our volunteers are getting just as much out of their experience as Fuse is getting from their work!
Step 6: Welcome Aboard!
Welcome to Fuse! Now we’re on to the fun stuff. You’ve officially been welcomed in to the Fuse family, and you’ve started the onboarding process. Now’s the time to meet your department and join Fuse’s inter-arts revolution. We’re so happy to have you along for the ride.